Conceptum Logistics successfully shipped an MDF-Plant with around 9,000 frts plus 400 x 40’ containers from Germany, Holland, Turkey and China to Itapoa/Brazil.
Instead of moving the b/b-cargo on conventional carrier or containerized on flat racks as with the previous project, we brought a RoRo-vessel from Hamburg into Itapoa for the first time as an inducement call.
Itapoa is a pure container-port and it was quite a novelty to handle a RoRo-vessel without complications, which required a great deal of communication with the carrier and their Brazilian agent, the stevedore, the Port Authority of Itapoa and Brazilian customs.
Our lady was been guided into the port without any waiting time and was discharged within 12 hours with dozens of mafi-trailers and trucks squirming on the pier.
The second lot out from Hamburg added up to a total of 15,500 frts break bulk and container combined in a ConRoRo sailing, one of the biggest single breakbulk-shipments handled in the port of Hamburg in 2016.